This is supposedly a picture of a man breastfeeding. What the?! Hmm moving on…
On the bright side, Mastitis was WAY worse than this since it also came with a fever, chills, and a migraine. BUT I do gotta say this hurts a lot more when breastfeeding. Talk about pain. WOW. the sharp pain shoots all over as you feed. It feels as though thin needles are swimming all over the inside of your breasts the whole time while you feed. Oh wait I’m talking about the bright side. Baby’s sleeping better, I only had to hold her for 1 1/2 hrs. last night until she fell back asleep. She stopped the being awake for 6 hrs. thing. Oh and I’m getting Mirena in about a week! I’m actually so stoked/ecstatic for this. It will leave me pregnant-free and worry-free for 5 years! Whoop whoop!