Earlier today I was downloading some lullabies and copying the lyrics down for me to memorize and sing to Adalie…and our second baby, so I downloaded the following songs.
-Pocahontas “The Colors of the Wind”
-Toy Story 2 “When She Loved Me”
-Prince of Egypt “River Lullaby”
-Enchanted “How do you Know”
-Little Mermaid “Part of your World”
I started singing along to The Colors of the Wind and the lyrics are so sad! Have you ever listened to the words? “You think you own whatever land you land on, The Earth is just a dead thing you can claim, But I know every rock and tree and creature,Has a life, has a spirit, has a name.”
So as I was singing along, reading the lyrics guess what I did. I cried. Hahaha! Go ahead, you can laugh. As I thought about the Native Americans being driven away from their own lands, being attacked by the British Colony and how just because they had guns and weapons the Native Americans didn’t have, they were being controlled and ruled over by them.
So that song made me really sad so I went on to the next song which was When She Loved Me. I sang to the lyrics of “When somebody loved me, everything was beautiful
Every hour we spent together, lives within my heart
And when she was sad, I was there to dry her tears
And when she was happy, so was i, when she loved me.
So the years went by, I stayed the same
And she began to drift away, I was left alone
Still I waited for the day, when she’d say “i will always love you.”
And guess what I did. I started crying! For the second time! I tried to be in the toy’s perspective(the song’s about a toy always being there for the little kid as he grew up but now he is neglected and alone) and I felt so sad for…yes the toy.
As I was crying, I realized how stupid this all was so then I started laughing at myself and had to call Jay to tell him what had happened. Poor Adalie, I started singing to entertain her and make her smile and she was at first but she stopped smiling as soon as I started getting teary-eyed. She just looked at me with a confused look on her face. Yes Adalie, your mommy is SOOOOO pregnant a.k.a emotional.