“Stop thinking about just yourself and start thinking about others!”, “Do you think you’re the only person in this world? You don’t think for one second what you’re doing might have an impact on other people’s lives?”
I’m ashamed to admit I yelled a variety of the above sentences to my kids this past week.
Why are kids so selfish? Why are they so self-centered and think the world revolves around them? Why don’t they realize they must be quiet because daddy is sleeping after working 100 hours this week on home building and at his work and desperately needs his sleep, only for them to forget 3 mins. later and start being so rambunctious? Why do they think I’m just sitting there doing absolutely nothing and just eagerly waiting for them to call upon me to come help them, as if I don’t have my own life and things to do?
All these thoughts have come to my mind, more so this week. Maybe because my aging mom is with us and she needs so much help, maybe because we broke ground and I have to pull my weight even more without Jay’s help, but I felt frustrated towards my kids more than usual.
‘Kids can only learn selflessness by watching you act selfless towards them. You’re with them the most so they learn from you the most on how to navigate this world. They can only learn kindness if they see you being kind. They learn to think about others as they watch you sacrifice and give to them and others around you. You’re their greatest example, teacher, and influence. So if you want to see them be selfless, first, you have to show it to them.’
This thought came to my mind and I was reminded of how important my job is. The traits I want my kids to have, I can only teach it to them if I show it to them by example. I am determined to have more patience and empathy towards my kids this new week as I hopefully lead by example. #sharingmyheartwithyoust