Read part one here first before reading part two.
Thick Skin Part Two
Even though they protest our #tyausunday photos by wearing paper bags over their heads, I know they’ll thank me one day.
Last week I got a mean comment on a FB video that featured my work, comparing me to another seamstress and how she was way better than I was. As an empath, when I read comments I feel that person’s intent & energy when they wrote it so it affects me initially.
My first reaction was to comment back and say something sassy but reacting is never a good idea. It’s only when you don’t fight the emotion you feel by getting defensive or attacking back, but sit on it instead and accepting the unpleasant emotion, that it then turns into wisdom. Then you can act with that wisdom that you gained, instead of reacting which you most likely will always regret saying or doing.
So as I accepted the present as is, I realized my sewing skills do not define who I am or my value. My level of sewing skills is not stagnant. If I’m not that good, I have the potential to get better! I can take lessons and practice more to improve so there’s no offense taken! My sewing skills are separate from who I am or my worth.
It’s easy to identify ourselves and judge our worth by where we are at in our present moment. But God looks at us and values us by our full potential over the course of our whole life, not just this life but life beyond. And we all have the same, exact potential. That is why we are all truly equal in worth and value.
Part 3 anyone? I have so much more to say on this subject!
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