My son has always wanted a bunk bed with a slide and his dream finally came true!

What child wouldn’t want a bunkbed, am I right? But what makes it even better is if the bunkbed had a slide! I think that is every kid’s ultimate dream, I know mine would have been!
So I am living vicariously through my son and I am not going to lie, I have slid down the slides countless times and have enjoyed sleeping on the bunkbed with my son on more than one occasion.

I got this white bunkbed set with a full size bed on the bottom and a twin size on the top from Custom Kids Furniture and I am very satisfied with it! It is high-quality, beautifully made and very sturdy. I love that it doesn’t need any box springs since it has support slats for the mattresses!
I also love that it has a slide and also a ladder so you have both options for going up and down, depending on the kid’s mood or preference at any given moment.

The slide goes down pretty fast and my son and his friends have a blast going down it over and over and over again. I make sure to put a cushion in the corner at the end so they can have a soft landing. This paranoid mother can never be too safe.
My life has changed dramatically in the past 10 months(which I will announce very, very soon!) and purchasing thoughtful items for their bedrooms has helped the transition to be easier for my children as well. Seeing the excitement and happiness on my son’s face says it all!
Check out other beds from Custom Kids Furniture, they have many other options and styles. Some of my favorites are this Triple Bunk Bed that would be perfect for twins, Cottage Loft Bed that I would love for myself haha, and this simple yet pretty Montessori Bed.
Did you dream of a bunkbed growing up? Did any of you actually have a bunkbed?