Relax, relax, I’m NOT pregnant. That’s just what Jay wrote on my Facebook status on April Fools. Even though he changed the status at 10 p.m and it was left only until the next morning, I had tons of calls, texts, and wall posts on my Facebook. While some people did not fall for it at all, some were a little doubtful as they asked, “Are you serious? Or is this a April Fool’s joke…?” Some people freaked out and was utterly in shock and dismay like Janie, our dear friend who texted 3 times back to back saying, “What? I can’t believe it, I mean I can believe it but wow, this is crazy…” or another dear friend Amanda who texted me and even before I had the time to reply back, she called 2 seconds later because the anxiety was just too much to wait. Some people who were gullible enough totally fell for it and said things like, “Congratulations! Bringing more cuties into the world!”. “Wow! Congrats, Sarah!”, and our favorite, “AGAIN??? You have too much free time hahaha.” Happy April Fools!
Yum yum yum
I’m so proud of my Boo~
So many of you probably know that we spent Adi’s College Fund on a nice Canon camera accompanied with super human power lenses. I by no means could even be considered an amatur photographer but thoroughly enjoyed being a journalist for my high school newspaper and took many pictures for the newspaper and also for a photography class. Since my high school days of 35mm film, they have come a L O N G way. It’s amazing that now-a-days, you have this little memory card that can hold literally over a thousand photographs that you can see instantly. I do think that photography runs through my blood though, my Grandpa had a deep passion for photography and took hundreds of thousands of amazing pictures. They say that pictures are worth a thousand words and that as time goes on and you get older, all you have left is pictures to rekindle those great memories and feelings. Sarah LOVES and when I say LOVES, she LLOOVVEESS taking photo’s, looking at photo’s and her favorite…being in photo’s 😛
I wanted her to understand photography more and be able to teach me a trick or two. We signed her up for a photography class and here are some samples of her beginning works with our very own baby model. I already see a HUGE difference in her picture quality and composition and I am the first to say I am SO proud of her and hope I can support her in her new found love for photography! It’s funny because before, she’d ask me questions about how to use the camera but now I find myself asking her questions about the camera! I’m so happy that she’s found something that she enjoys and even tho sometimes, I’m not the best sport about taking pictures, I know that every time I look at all of her great pics that she takes, I have to smile and be happy with our investment. Besides chuckling every time I get to see my little petite wife try to hold this brick of a camera up for a prolonged period of time (it’s about 2lbs and she’s about 2lbs x 50lbs hahaha), if photo’s make my wife happy, then happy wife equals happy life!
What’s a Dad for Dad?
by: Yellowcard
Tell me why I’m here dad
Whisper in my ear that I’m growing up to be a better man, dad
Everything is fine dad
Proud that you are mine dad
Cause I know I’m growing up to be a better man
That same boy that stood by the sea
And watched you tower over me
Now I’m older I wanna be the same as you
What’s a dad for dad?
Took me by the hand and you showed me how to be a bigger man, dad
Listen when you talk, dad
Follow where you walk, dad
And you know that I will always do the best I can
I can
That same boy that stood by the sea
And watched you tower over me
Now I’m older I wanna be the same as you
The same as you
That same boy that stood by the sea
And watched you tower over me Now I’m older I wanna be the same as you
When I am a dad, dad
I’m gonna be a good dad
Did the best you could, dad
Always understood, dad
Tell me I was right, dad
Opened up my eyes, dad
Proud to call you my, dad
Thank you for my life dad
An Eventful Saturday
Saturday was a busy but a fun day for us. A couple friends and I threw a bridal shower for my cousin Ginny who will be married in about a month, while Jay went to our new house to do a home inspection. Then we went to Ikea to get some ideas since we’ll be renovating like crazy once we move. Jay is such a handy-man and he knows a ton about construction(him and his dad built their 3 homes in HI), so he’ll be doing the renovations himself with his helper(me) on the side. Then thanks to Charlene and Cody, we were able to go to the Jazz game which was a first time for the both of us. Oh and Adi’s first time too of course.
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