i’ve mentioned this in the past, but my husband’s hobby is to buy and move into an old home and renovate it himself, then rent it out and then buy/move into another old home to renovate it and so on. so after he renovated our previous house, (to see the house go here for before/after pictures.) he couldn’t wait to renovate the house we live in now and he’s already renovated our whole basement and was about to tackle the main floor, but when my parents retired and moved back into their house in the states, jay offered to renovate their whole house for them. isn’t he such a sweet son-in-law? my parents sure adore him and love him dearly.
so while our house is on a pause from the renovation mode, my husband’s been busy renovating my parents’ house. he’s not completely finished yet, but here is his work so far.
pictures of the kitchen and the dining room before:
(just to note, my parents are meticulously clean,
these were just taken right before packing and moving for the demolition.)
you can say it, it was pretty bad.
but i’m going to miss this green room. 🙁
and now the comparisons of the before/after:
this is the wall of the dining room but he broke it down to make the kitchen bigger
and to open up the dining room to the kitchen.
so instead of a wall now, there’s a kitchen island and the whole place is open!
and he painted the walls, took the carpet out and replaced the floor with a wooden floor in the dining room.
and some more pictures of the after:
my mom picked out the colors and and my husband designed the layout and executed the whole thing.(oh, i do have to give a shout out to my brother michael who learned from the master and helped out or he’d give me a hard time. :D)
i call him the DIY king.
my husband that is, not my brother. hahaha
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