Adi’s Chef birthday party
Bright Night Event
Baby Shower
Ana’s Power Ranger party
guys/girls to join his team. All the trainees had to prove their loyalty and pick which side they were on. Fortunately, they all picked my side(the good side of course;), and threw water balloons at the bad samurai to chase him away.
Training #3 was LEADERSHIP which is the red Power Ranger, and for this game we played Simon Says.
Training #4 was POWER which is the yellow Power Ranger and a sensei came and taught the trainees some karate moves. He had a little helper too.
Links/tips: Rice krispies sushi, sushi green grass from ebay, sushi box from a friend who owns a sushi shop, power ranger cupcakes from Walmart, sandwich sushi.
*disclaimer: I googled “power ranger certificate” and found an image that I just printed for the certificate and the training camp signs my husband made with Photoshop. I no longer send the certificate because I have no copyright of the image and feel dishonest if I send it out. I get emails frequently about this and I had to turn down every single one, so please understand and I apologize about that!