when my boy was a baby. oh my heart.
A friend emailed me today sharing how guilty she feels as a mother, as she started going back to work recently. She told me she feels like she’s failing constantly as a mother and as an employee so this is what I wrote to her and it’s something I needed to hear for myself as well. So I thought there might be someone else that might feel the same way at times.
I constantly feel like I’m failing at home and with my blog/Youtube. I think that’s what many mothers feels like, if not all, so we are not alone! I can never give my full attention, passion, time and energy into one thing, it’s always gotta be divided up in many increments and sacrifices made on either side. So I feel I can only give my mediocre attempt at anything that I do. I feel I would be soooo much more successful if I could dedicate all my time and focus into my blog and sometimes it makes me bitter that I can’t. But I make do and motherhood and my blog both gets sacrificed at times. Doing our best in whatever we do in a mediocre way is good enough. It’s actually a sign we are doing it just perfectly, it means we are trying to balance our priorities out! If we did focus all our attention, time and energy into just one thing, we wouldn’t be happy. If we focused everything on motherhood, we’d get burnt out and not feel fulfilled. Nor is it healthy! If we focused everything on our career, it means we are neglecting our family. So giving our best in all the areas we care about, albeit feeling like it’s mediocre and not our all, is a sign we are doing it perfectly! Perfectly imperfect and beautiful. It’s the best we can do and to God, that’s more than good enough for him, it’s all he can ask of us to do.
Think of all the things you do for your kids, you’re a wonderful mom and the kids know you love them with all your heart. That’s the most important thing a mother can do, being a good person and loving their kids unconditionally. The person that you are will shape your kids way, way more than whether one works or not, bottle feeds or breastfeeds, feeds them organic or not, or reads to their kids everyday. You are a very good person and your kids undoubtedly know you love them with everything that you are so you are excelling in those two most important areas which means you are doing it just right! You are a great mother. You are doing it perfectly.
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