I’m So Glad When Daddy Comes Home…
Just about the cutest video EVER!!!
Okay…so even though the commentary isn’t the best, her smile and first giggle and first laugh is probably one of the CUTEST things caught on my camera to date! Yeah I love my girls! Boop…
BFF…Boop Friends Forever
Curse of the Chang….
This is one of my FAVORITEST pictures of Adi. She’s getting so big and I can’t believe how much she’s growing each day. I weighed her on the scale last nite and she was 12.1 lbs (she was 5 lbs 13 oz. when we took her home from the hospital.) We went shopping for new clothes for her on Saturday. Sarah always gets mad at me when we go shopping because I always get WAY excited about buying new clothes for her, but as soon as I see how much baby clothes are, even on sale, when they just wear them for a couple months tops…I freak out and get all grumpy. Besides that I never know what size to get her. I try to get her bigger sizes, so she can wear them longer, but then their just not as cute when their baggy you know? I need INSTANT gratification. I love to shop, but I guess the true Chinese Chang in my has come out and its hard for me to spend money on clothes that she wears for not even a couple of months. Typical in-store convo from me and Sarah:
Sarah: “Oh this is CUTE!”
Jay monotone: “How much is it?”
Sarah: “It’s on sale for $8, normal price is $16.50”
Jay being Chang: “$8??? Ugg, what size is it? A sale is not always a sale Sarah!”
Sarah: “6-12 months”
Jay rationalizing: “She’s not even 3 months yet!”
Sarah: “But she’ll be able to wear it longer…”
Jay grumpy: “Whatever…get whatever you want…”
But I will say that my wife does pick the cutest clothes for Adi and I always feel bad for how hard of a time I give her. And then to top it off, she always goes and takes all these cute pics and I can’t help but always want my daughter to look like a Baby GAP model! Curse of the Chang…what is this daddy to do???