daddy dressed me for church today!
outfit detail: fedora hat: Target | pants: Carmiashop | onesie: gifted
Outfit detail: black dress | strappy sandals
Outfit detail: white lace dress | slip dress: Korea | ankle strap sandals
(Since I missed Sunday best last week, I threw in last week’s Sunday best of my outfit as well)
Do you see the little necklace Aiden’s wearing? It’s called a Baltic amber necklace that helps the pain with teething. I never heard about it with my first two children, but a few of my friends have swear by it, so I gave it a try with my third child and bought one on Etsy. After 5 hours of him wearing it, he stopped drooling! Before, he would drool from teething so much that he would get his whole front onesie wet with drool. I had to constantly change him or put a bib on him all the time. I wish I had knew about this with my other children, but so glad I know about it now! The amber stone contains succinic acid which gets released upon body temperature and helps with the pain of teething. Cool, right? Just make sure you buy one from a credible shop and it says 100% natural Baltic amber. I bought mine for around $20.00. So just in case you were like me and never heard about it, it really works. He used to be a little fussy and super drooly, but after wearing this necklace he doesn’t drool at all, and he doesn’t get fussy because of pain. Now, I swear by it and tell all my mother friends about it!
Anything that helps being a mother a little easier, I’m passionate telling other mothers about because it’s such a hard job as it is and instead of judging each other and tearing each other down, why don’t we all be in this together and help each other to build each other up? I truly believe that if women stopped comparing or getting jealous, stopped being catty or putting each other down, we would be the most powerful and would conquer the world!(imagine my powerful, strong clenched fist up high in the air) Chest bump!