{Hello everyone! I feel like I’ve been busy on Instagram where I post almost daily and while I love Instagram, I love blogging too because I always have the hardest time choosing just one picture for Instagram! On here, I can post as many dang pictures as I want to, hence all these pictures.}
On Sunday morning while we were still in our pajamas with bed hair, it looked like I’d have about an hour to sew, so I got excited and was about to start sewing when my daughter asked me if I could teach her to make a pillowcase. I had let her pick out a fabric from the fabric store several weeks prior, with the promise that I’d teach her to make a pillowcase. I immediately said yes of course, and then as we were trying to find her sewing machine, the thread, getting set up, I let out a sigh and said to Jay when I wasn’t near my daughter, “Ugh, I just wanted to sew for myself. Now, I won’t get to. The story of my life.” Then as I thought more and seeing how excited Adi was, I decided to shift my attitude and decide to be just as happy and excited as she was. While I didn’t get to sew and I probably won’t get a chance to until next weekend, I was able to spend time with my girl and bond with her and have a priceless moment. I also thought, “If I were to die tomorrow and today was my last day to live, I wouldn’t want to do anything else right now, I’d want to sew with my daughter.” I’m a nerd and that’s been my motto for me lately, since my goal lately is to spend each moment with the greater meaning and purpose and avoid being idle and do things that build up the kingdom of God instead of spending too much time on Instagram or checking my e-mails.
Anyway, so I had so much fun teaching my daughter to sew a pillowcase and she was so proud of it!
I knew my daughter had something going on when she threaded(correctly) the sewing machine all by herself when she was 6 and designed/cut and sewed a bib-style halter top for her cousin. I asked her, “How did you thread the machine? you have never seen me thread it and I never showed you how!” she said to me, “I just followed the arrows, it was easy!”
And right when I started taking pictures of my daughter with her pillowcase, guess who decided to join in and steal her thunder and pretend like he was the one that made the pillowcase. 😉
they're soo cute!