We went on a Disney Cruise to Alaska this Summer. Get ready for some Disney Cruise pictures overload, because there will be part one to at least part four! The cruise boarded in Vancouver, Canada so we stayed there for an extra day to explore.
we stayed at the smallest hotel ever. Let’s just say it sure was intimate and cozy. 🙂
Japadog was delicious! Everything we tried on that street was good, including pho’, and Korean B.B.Q bowl.
This is about the time when Adi started getting into photo bombing.
we went to The Candy Aisle and everyone was in heaven, especially Jay who got these ridiculously sour candies.
we found a Korean market and found two of my favorite things: Korean bakery bread and this vanilla ice-cream cone! It is the best vanilla ice-cream you will ever eat, and I used to eat it all the time growing up in Korea but never found one in the States, but found it in Canada! Canada, I love you already.
we ate delicious pastries for breakfast the next morning before heading off to board the ship!
on our way to board the ship!
I just realized after posting these pictures that half of these are of food. That’s how we roll, YOLO! That was the theme of our whole Disney Cruise trip, YOLO. You only live once. Jay and I felt old when Jay’s little brother Mike texted that to us and we were like, “What the heck is YOLO?” and Mike had to explain what it meant. So just be aware, we went YOLO and you’ll see lots of pictures of food. 😉
Stay tuned for Part two next week!
Looks like a fun family trip!
I'd love to visit Korean town and
eat Korean foodies!! Xx
Beautiful family!