The girls’ scooters and my son’s 3-in-1 scooter are c/o Micro Kickboard.
My daughters own the Micro Maxi Scooter and my son rides the Micro Mini 3-in-1.
I love having 3 kids. The best thing about having 3 kids? It’s a party all the time. With 2 kids, it was awesome with things under control and well balanced, but I always considered my family a little family of 4, just me and my husband and 2 kids. But with 3 kids, it’s chaotic, busy, overwhelming, but so much fun, rambunctious and it’s a party all the time! I don’t consider my family a small family anymore, oh, it’s way too chaotic to be considered small!
And depending on the day, I want another child. Today, not so much, Ha! They were so moody today, but so was I! Sometimes I worry my little boy will grow up feeling a little lonely, wishing he had a brother or a sister closer to his age. My two girls are 16 months apart and are best-est friends whose interests are exactly the same. Then when my two girls were 4 and 5 years old, my son was born, so I feel like I need to have another child that’s closer to his age since his sisters are basically twins and so close.
Before my son was born, we got the girls these scooters and my son would just watch them or I’d have to bike around with him since he always wants to play with his sisters and adores them. So we got him this little scooter, and you should have seen the first time he rode around with his sister, he was beaming left and right! He was so happy he was “same same” as his older sisters. And the last picture, he had just learned minutes before that if he lifts up his legs, he can go down fast and he doesn’t have to walk his legs while going down on his scooter! He was so proud of himself. He tries so hard to keep up with his sisters and the girls are so sweet, they always come back around to him to go with him or to wait for him. It makes me feel less guilty that he’s kind of the odd one out and the third-wheel. He’ll be fine being the only boy in the family and having two sisters who are 4 and 5 years older than him, right? He wouldn’t feel left out right? And his sisters will always make sure to include him? I don’t know. It’s something I am constantly debating about. Why can’t we have children without ever going through the pregnancy, the labor & the recovery, breastfeeding and getting practically no sleep for 6 months and all the poopy diapers? I’d have 10 kids if that was the case!
But then I look at these adorable pictures of my cute kids that I am completely obsessed with, and I think to myself, ‘Every single pain and frustrations and hardships I went through to have them and raise them has been worth every single bit and more. And the happiness and the laughter they have brought to my life triumphs all the hardships by ten fold.’ So right when I am thinking I am ready to have another kid, someone spills cocktail sauce on the carpet and two of them get in a fight and start crying……
Do any of you ever debate over whether you’re done having kids or not? What is your dilemma?
*While the scooters were gifted to us, I was not paid to write my experience with the scooters.
Your kids look cute. Stay blessed!
We have 4 kids. We are done, more so because of my age than anything else. I married late, so I'm closer to 40 than 30. For me, I knew I wasn't done after my 3rd. I also knew that I was okay being done after my 4th. I was given a sense of peace when I thought about it.
I think it's a terribly hard decision to make. I wish you the best as you and your husband decide what is best for your adorable family.
Haha!! Your kids are so beautiful. I understand the hustle. -Even with just a lil boy, I've had enough. Lol!! I always say with the way the world and the economy is going, having too much kids is a nono. Max 3 just like you. π
3 little scooters parked in a green backyard, that is my goal in life, that is happiness to me. your kids are truly adorable, you are blessed with such a beautiful family.
I loved reading this post, as a mother of one as of now, I am thinking how life with 3 kids can be, and this is such a beautiful ode to it.
Sarah, I am a long time follower of your blog. My husband and I have this conversation countless times. We have two girls already. The question is – should we have the 3rd one? Going from 2 to 3 is a huge change. We keep going back and forth and still haven't made the decision yet…lol. Your kids are absolutely adorable!
You and Jay can't stop at 3 – I need a pregnancy buddy for my second time around that I can complain to and who is going through the same thing at the same time. For what it is worth, I heard from parents of 4-5 kids, that it gets easier after the third. It's the jump from two to three that is pure psychotic craziness! Miss you and your man.
I'm just a 17 year old girl, and I'm no mum, but having heard you say all these wonderful things about having children, it's made me think. As a contemporary feminist/workaholic/huge dreamer, my biggest aspirations are to pursue my dream career and learn, learn, learn. Having a family takes second priority, but this is just so heartwarming.
I come from a family with 3 children and my mum has told us the various struggles she's had while bringing us up, too, haha. My older brother and I are a 11 months apart, while my younger sister and I are 19 months apart; it hasn't changed our relationship that much, honestly. Depending on your son's personality, I'm sure he'll be enjoying his sister's company and their his any way. I'm in no position to give any advice about pregnancies and having another child, but God will do whatever he wants to do in your life, and whatever happens, I'm sure you and your family will embrace it all the same!
Awwwe what a cute family! Coming from a big family and by that I mean I have 9 sisters and 4 brothers, I think you should give him a little brother/sister to play with so he is busy too when his sisters are playing π I am thinking of giving my son a younger sibling soon. π
Your kids look so wonderful. What a great family! Wish you the best.
Jessica |
I grew up with two older sisters and that was enough for me! They doted on me. I think if another baby had come along to take their attention and mom's attention I would have hated it :p
you need more. π
Sandy a la Mode
These pictures are so cute!! I don't think we are ready yet for kids!
Melanie @
Your kids are just sooooo adorable!!
xx Olivia
Hi lovely, what a nice blog you have and a beautiful family, congratulations. I have two boy and girl, I am so happy like this but sometimes I feel I want another baby, who knows…
Kids are a blessing.
Have a lovely weekend.
Glamoury Armory Blog
Your children are beautiful and 4 is a nice even number. One question: why isn't your son included in the pictures with your blog name/
I hear you. I have the same dilemma. I worry sometimes that my maternal desire for more kids will never turn off. I really thought I was content with our three (we are almost exactly like you. My second was a surprise and they are 16 months apart with our 3rd 3 years behind our second) but now that my youngest is 2 I'm getting crazy baby hungry. I actually don't mind being pregnant, breastfeeding or even labor (I know I'm nuts!) but the sleep deprivation on top of owning a business and keeping a household together is CRAZY hard. It doesn't seem realistic to me to have a fourth but it's never really about that is it? Haha It'd be so easy if it was! For me the deciding factor is my husband. He is DONE. If he were open to it I would probably be pregnant, ha! I know this doesn't help much but I am a firm believer in letting the Lord lead you and I'm sure you'll find the right answer for you and your family. Best of luck to you! The struggle is real!