This post is sponsored by Ace Hardware. Make sure to enter an Ace Hardware $150 giftcard below!
The girls had their first day of school yesterday so as per our family tradition, we went to BYU Creamery for some ice-cream! I didn’t feel like cooking dinner so we also grabbed some burgers, fries & even soda as well at the diner which the kids were very happy about.
I still can’t believe how fast this Summer went by. Do you feel like it went by fast for you? Every mom I’ve talked to has told me the same thing, how this Summer went by faster than any Summer they’ve ever had! Part of me has been very excited and a part of me has been a little sad about how fast Summer went by. There were so many things we didn’t get to do such as camping a ton! By the time I realized Summer is almost over and we only had 2 weeks of Summer vacation left, we went and did a lot of fun stuff such as going to the Leonardo Museum, swimming, and we even squeezed in a little camping trip this past weekend, the weekend before school started.
Some things I will miss about Summer are drinking smoothies as breakfast and lunch with my kids because it’s so hot you don’t have an appetite, eating popsicles outside in our front yard while sitting on the grass, and all the fresh fruit! Wait, why are all these about food? Haha. So I thought a great way to preserve the memory of the awesome Summer we’ve had is to can some peaches we’ve been eating like crazy this Summer.
So I’ve partnered with Ace Hardware and they sent me a Ball® 21 Quart Electric Canner, canning jar lifter and a ball 12 oz. jars so I can can peaches! Canning has always sounded very intimidating to me and I thought it was like a whole day process, but turns out it only takes about an hour or two! It was so much easier and less intimidating than I thought.
I found this video helpful on how to set it up, sanitize and use the Ball® 21 Quart Electric Canner.
Canning Peaches(adapted from here)
- 2 lbs peaches, per quart (up to 3 lbs)
- 2 1⁄4cups sugar
- 5 1⁄4cups water
To get you started on your own canning, one of you will win a $150 giftcard to Ace Hardware! Fill out the Rafflecopter below, best luck! The giveaway ends on September 14th. Best luck!
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