pictures taken today during lunch in downtown LA
what age are you considered “old”?
i guess it depends on who you ask.
i’ve never considered myself old yet,
but as of late, i’ve had moments when i think, “man, i’m getting old!”
like a few weeks ago these two guys from our church came over
for a meeting at my house with my husband, and their cute wives
came over too to hang out while our husbands had their meeting.
i knew one was younger than me, but the other one i thought maybe
around my age, but we all looked pretty similar in age i thought,
then one of the girls said, “i feel like our ward is so old. like around 24.”
so i asked, “how old are you guys?”
and they were born in 1990, 1991.
are you serious? me being born in the mid 80’s, as long as you’re born in
the 80’s, i can take that, but the 90’s? that sounds like they should
still be in elementary school! but many of the 90’s children are
married, and even having kids!
also, not to mention that boys that are born in 1990 have already
served and finished their missions for our LDS church. isn’t that crazy?
and someone told me a little bit ago that after you turn 27, your reproductive
cells go downhill from there. um, thanks.
so it’s been kinda nice being in california for our vacation
where most people are not LDS and where the average age to get married
is NOT 21 and have kids at 22. if you have kids in your mid 20’s, you’re not
even considered a young mom in UT!
so here in california, pretty much everywhere i go, it’s been like being in korea.
people told me they thought i was a HS student, a babysitter, my oldest daughter’s
sister, a friend of my sister came to visit today and when she saw my two girls,
she asked whose kids they were even when i was right next to them playing,
holding, and kissing them, one random lady at a store came up to me today and said,
“when did you get married? really? how old are you? I thought you were 20,
i thought you got married like in jr.high!” and my favorite,
someone asked me if my husband gets mistaken as a pedophile. hahaha
(hun, don’t worry, he’s never seen what you look like or he wouldnt have said that 😉
and i realized today, i guess i’m finally old enough to take it as a compliment
when people tell me i look way younger than my age, than to be offended.
it’s a bitter sweet feeling i guess. 🙂
LOL I am 54 YIKES!!!!! Just turned 54 this past June. Most people think I am in my early 40's though YAY!!
Sometimes I really feel my age, sometimes I don't. What do they say? You're only as old as you feel??
Hugs from the Netherlands
haha! I have to say, one of the reasons I love your blog so much is because I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who gets asked if she's the nanny or if my two boys are my little brothers. 🙂 I think you will be the grandmother that everyone is jealous of…gorgeous and so young looking! 🙂
I feel the exact same as you! I live in Southern California, so I get stopped all the time by people asking me how old I am. At 24 I am going through a pre-mid-life crisis thinking about turning 30, so I don't really like to talk about my age…but when everyone here thinks I'm a teen mom maybe being 24 isn't so bad after all 🙂
I think you are only as old as you think so as long as you have a youthful mind, you are still young. I was born in the 70s and I only feel old when I hear about someone born in the 80s or 90s getting married and having kids. But I am Asian and my boyfriend, who looks white (he is 3/4 white and 1/4 Hawaiian) is 3 years younger than me. I feel young when I get carded at a bar and he doesn't. haha! We are blessed with youthful Asian skin!
Kids grow up so quickly these days! I only recently started feeling 'old', and that's because I'm now 40! In my mind, I am forever 31, 32 — the golden age when you are no longer 'young', but not yet quite 'old' — and not yet with kids. Gosh, when I was your age (24? 25?), I still felt like a teenager. At 12 years old, I was still playing with Barbie dolls and watching Leave it to Beaver on TV. It was truly a different time, we took our time 'growing up'. So take your time, don't feel old because you are NOT. We are forever young at heart =)
I FEEL old, but I'm only on the later side of the mid twenties! Sometimes I have to remind myself I am YOUNG. Haha. Gosh, my bones hurt at the end of the day, I'm so tired, I'm married and have a kid…I shop at stores I used to think were for old people…and yet, I love it:) But people still think I am a teen mom. I guess it's because I'm so short, mostly. And Asian. Two strikes against me! I usually get that I look about 16. 18 If I'm lucky. I'm hoping at 60 that pays off!
Attitude towards life defines one's ages much powerfully than ID cards,I guess…But I am quite curious about young guys' motivations to get married and have adorable babies so hurriedly…
You're a really young mom by new york standards. People don't even think about getting married til their late twenties. I was surprised to find out that you're only in your mid twenties and have TWO kids!! That's insane.