We gained another son(my nephew) in our #TyauSunday, Jay’s too cool for school and our son is starting a new trend of fur boots + a suit.
I hope you’re having a relaxing Sunday!
#sharingmyheartwithyou: Act vs. react
If you were to ask me what my ultimate goal in life is, it is to get to the point of never reacting to a situation but acting instead. Jesus never reacted, he always acted. He always filled his own cup with only good things and when people bumped into his cup, he was able to spill kindness, patience and love. So my biggest goal in my life is to do just that. It is not to make a certain amount of money, to achieve certain status or reputation, it is something internal no one will be able to measure except God. The greatest accomplishments will always be intangible over tangible. If my goal of opening up schools in third world countries comes true, my biggest accomplishments won’t be the schools I opened up or the money I raised, it’ll be the hearts that changed and the love they felt because of it. I want to spill only love. I want to do everything out of love, never judgement, annoyance, offense or anger. I’ve realized that when I am offended, hurt, bugged, annoyed, frustrated, mad, or feel the need to tell someone their place, that’s a direct reflection of my weakness. When we are offended by someone, the offense comes from the insecurity we put in our own cup. They’ve only stirred it and bumped it, causing it to spill. But we can only spill what we put in our cup. Only we can choose what we put in our cup. So I shouldn’t blame someone else for bumping and spilling my cup, I need to take responsibility for what I put inside that cup and spills out of it and own up to my actions/reactions.
that girl with the gold skirt and white and gold black shirt cover is SO adorable
I love your words here! So inspiring. Sorry for the loss of your father and thank you for sharing your insight. Wow. Just wow