his leggings & beanie | her leggings
Last Saturday Aiden and I were matchy matchy. I don’t know if he’d be embarrassed by it later on, but he sure can’t voice his opinion right now so I’m going to match the heck out of us while I can! Thanks to Salt City Emporium for these awesome arrow print leggings and beanie, my leggings are so comfortable and smooth & excellent quality, I knew it’d be perfect for when I went classic skating for my birthday party later on that night!
we sang “My heart will go on” by Celine Dion. I am Rose and my friend is Jack, obviously.
Jessica singing “All by myself”
After roller blading and getting sweaty, we partied in the karaoke room while munching on various desserts. I got really into it(as you can tell), and it was a blast. What made the party though was my friend Jessica who sang “All by myself” solemnly while leaning against the wall so dramatically. It was hilarious. I have the coolest friends! Thanks to all those who came to celebrate with me!