I am participating in an influencer program on behalf of Claritin®. This program is paid for by the makers of Claritin® and I have received compensation for my participation. All opinions expressed are my own. *Use Children’s Claritin® as directed on packaging
Soccer season is upon us! When Jay signed our daughter up for soccer, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I thought it would be a more fun, casual, once a week kinda thing but turns
out… it was a 3-day try out and if you make it onto the team, it’s practice 3 times a week. That’s half of the week! It took me a lot of grunting to realize it’s something she loves and I need
to just get on board and support her and do it happily.
Soccer season also means it’s summer season and while I absolutely love summer and seeing everything come to life, I dread one thing that always comes with it, which is allergies. Allergies
suck so bad. Do you get them? I get it really, really bad. And unfortunately my oldest daughter has it too and she’s the most active kid out of all my children! She is busy with soccer (did I
mention it’s 3x a week? Want to make sure you got that), piano, swim, and gymnastics. So it’s really important that she is feeling her best.
I have been taking Claritin® for a few years now so when I found out they sell it for kids, I got the Claritin® RediTabs® for Juniors for my daughter, available in the healthcare isle near the Target pharmacy. It offers a non-drowsy, 24-hour allergy symptom relief! Yay, a win-win for me and her!
Cartwheel always has great offers available on Claritin® products, make sure to check here to see if one’s available before your trip to Target!
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