These posts are a part of my #sharingmyheartwithyou series, where I do exactly that, sharing my heart with you. 🙂
“Don’t you ever apologize for claiming your space. You applied for the job, you were hired for the job, there’s a reason why you got the job and not someone else, so you’re not taking anyone else’s space, it’s rightfully your own. So own it, claim it, no one else can offer your perspective, past experiences, opinions, views or talents. They need YOU and everything that you have to offer. You’re meant to be right where you are.”
I was recently talking to a friend who felt the need to apologize for claiming someone else’s space. She felt she took a job that should have been given to someone else that could relate to the students better, someone with the same ethnicity as the majority of the students. So I found myself telling her the above, that while she can’t understand firsthand their experiences, nor can they. So she can share her perspective, struggles and listen to their stories and both parties can grow empathy and understanding from each other. That they’ll both come out more open minded and better because of it. Only you can offer what no one else in the world can offer. Each one of us are truly unique and special because of that.
Some people think hiding their talents is being humble. That they’re doing a good thing. But when you hide your talents, you’re doing a disservice to not just yourself but to everybody else. When you are fearless and bold in sharing your talents, you are only empowering and motivating others to pursue their own talents and passion.
No inspiring/motivational speaker starts their talk with, “I’m sorry I’m here today speaking in front of you instead of somebody else, I feel this is not my space… there’s someone more qualified…” Do you feel empowered listening to that? No. Think of the people who have empowered you to reach your best. To dream big. It’s the people who have OWNED their stage, owned their talents, and weren’t fearful of sharing their strengths.
God gave us our talents. When we share and proudly show it, we are only glorifying God that much more and sharing his goodness and power. We are not boasting! The talent wasn’t ours to begin with, it comes from God!
When we have that mindset when people share their achievements, talents and success, we wouldn’t be jealous. We’d genuinely be happy for them that God is working through them and be astonished at how wonderful and great God’s children are. How magnificent and vast his talents are. And what talent we must have within us that needs to be shared.
What a beautiful perspective. It was just what I needed to hear today. Thank you for your beautiful testimony.
Aw, thank you so much Cindy! I am just seeing this comment because of a gliche on my blog. But it’s fixed now! Thank you for sharing.