Get some birthday ideas for your party from this Maleficent party with lots of great ideas for food, games and decor.
We watched The Maleficent the opening night and loved the movie. We probably loved it even more because we watched it on the opening night in no better place than on the Disney Cruise! As soon as the movie was over my little girl said to me, “I want a Maleficent birthday party mama!” First of all, when they call me mama with their cute little voice, it’s hard for me to resist. And second of all, I started thinking of all the ideas for the party in my head and got so excited.
So Maleficent party it was for my daughter’s 7th birthday! I used Maleficent & Aurora character invitations from MariusDesigns and it couldn’t be more perfect.
My birthday girl wanted to be Aurora for Halloween so I thought we will have her birthday party the day after Halloween. A terrible idea. Haha, because it was the busiest week of my life preparing for costumes and the birthday party at the same time. But it turned our really well and Aurora couldn’t be happier.
Halloween Costumes:
Maleficent wings: The Pink Poudo
Aurora dress: VanessaHM
Aurora crown: Beautiful Bones BowsBb
adult Maleficent dress: Fristrom
Maleficent horns: Gabby Lucha
Dog fairy wings: DoosOddistuffies
young Maleficent dress: DIY by Jay
Diaval costume: DIY by Jay
baby raven costume: DIY by me
my husband wanted to take a picture copying a photo of Diaval and Maleficent below and from a guy who never ever suggests picture taking? I’ll take it!
Our whole family dressed up for the birthday party and invited the guests to dress up as well. I didn’t want all the focus to be on Maleficent so I made sure many things were of Aurora such as the Aurora silhouette that I just drew and cut from a black cardboard paper and put on a baroque frame I got from Ikea that I spray painted in black, and the Aurora cupcake toppers that matched perfectly with the baroque frame.
I set the backdrop with the black wall tree decal on a white butcher paper and added a finishing touch by adding a black paper chandelier(I plan on using the wall decal, frame and the chandelier for the girls’ room decor after) and a Maleficent cake topper.
I wanted the table setting to match the backdrop of the tree forest so the plates & stands were all made out of wood, including the wooden candles. This was the first party where I didn’t make the food and provided pizza from Sam’s Club on two gold glitter tree stumps, my daughter wanted a Oreo dessert bar since that’s her favorite so we had an Oreo ice-cream cake, and fruit tray, and a veggie tray displayed on 3 wood cake stands, Oreo cookies on wood cupcake stands, and Oreo pudding.
The drink was milk poured in vintage milk bottles. I only needed to make the Oreo pudding and it was so nice! I might just buy food for future birthday parties from now on. 🙂
The table was decorated with a black tablecloth and the center pieces of a Maleficent Letter “M”, Aurora flower crown, and Maleficent horns.
For games we played “Find raven’s rainbow eggs” where some eggs were stuffed with candy. They had to get at least 5 eggs or get an egg with a candy in order to receive a Maleficent prize which consisted of a Maleficent and/or Aurora bottle-cap necklace, a Maleficent mirror, and some candies. They were so excited for this game and they kept asking when we were going egg hunting so this was a big hit with the kids.
Then we had a photo shoot using Maleficent props, and we just scooted the food table to the hallway and used the party backdrop as the backdrop for the photobooth. I told my husband to think of one game we could play for the party(since I did everything else for the party) but the day came and I asked him if he thought of anything and he said no. I told him he had 2 hours to think of a game and when the party started and I asked him again, he said no. So I had planned to play 3 games but we only played 2 games.
Oh, husband. You’re so lucky you’re such a good husband and a father and make it up in so many other areas. 🙂
We finished the party with opening presents and singing happy birthday to the birthday girl and eating the Oreo ice-cream cake. When the parents came to pick up their children, they didn’t want to leave! I think it’s safe to say they had a fun time at the party.
Credits to these amazing shops:
Maleficent & Aurora invitations by MariusDesigns
Aurora cupcake toppers by DarlingPartyz
black wall tree decal by OnWallStudio
black paper chandelier by PaperMuses
Maleficent cake topper by DollyDollz
wooden candles by Marys4everFlowers
3 wood cake stands by RoxyHeartVintage
wood cupcake stands by LakeTahoeDream
gold glitter tree stumps by Dappsy
vintage milk bottles by BabyCakeKisses
Maleficent Letter “M” by TancysCreations
Aurora flower crown by Cocomont
Maleficent horns by GustavosGoods
Maleficent and/or Aurora bottle-cap necklace by PPPartyFavors
Maleficent mirror by MayoBass
Maleficent props by WeddingPhotoBooth
*A big thank you to all these amazing Etsy shops for making this party all come together!
Cutest party ever! I was so surprised how much I love that movie, I wish I had kids so I could totally copy you!!!
Love your attention to detail. Amazing! I'm totally pinning this.
Is the man standing next to malificient her husband?