I feel I have been neglecting my blog more lately. I have been focusing more on my Instagram and Instagram story and feel I update my life fairly often through those channels that I have less desire to update here. And I get good engagement with number of likes and comments on my Instagram which makes it more fun and motivating for me to keep posting on there! As a blogger, I feel I post so much on the internet that sometimes I feel burnt out I guess. I feel like I am just always talking about myself, me me me without getting to know other people more! I dislike this one-sided interaction that I get via blogging.
Anyway, I have my Life Lessons #4 for you guys today, I try to keep the video short but it’s just so hard, I just have so much to say! By the time you are seeing this video, I will be in California on a girls trip for the weekend! So I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and I’d love to hear your stories, any thoughts you’d like to add from the video, what is one thing that you say to yourself, “When I get this, when I am this….. I will be happy.” I’d love to hear your stories!
hello, dear Sarah! I think This is a really tough subject for everybody… For now We live in the capital city of our country and here the salaries aren’t big at all, so we live in a rent apartment and I tink we will be doing this for our entire life because we bought a house for my sister-in-law… She is not married and she doesn’t have any income.. So we are paying her rate and also giving her money for bills, food….
Well, our apartment has a room, a bathroom and a kitchen, no balcony and sometimes I get a little frustrated because of the inconveniences that it has, but then I’m thinking that my husband and I are so happy with all the gifts that we daily receive from God And i really don’t want to die concentrated on what I don’t have and what I crave for, because all this material things are so passing and our life means much more than having or not having some of the things that today’s society proclaims as a “must have”… And I believe with all my strenght that God will know when we will need more and He will definitely give it to us. If He will give us children one day, He will also provide all the things that they need, especially for saving their souls, even if they will not have a “perfect” life on this earth.
Please, excuse my English and I’m sorry for writing sooo much. Thank you a lot for being so honest and wise, this is very encouraging for all of us who are fighting with these thoughts and forget sometimes to fully enjoy our every single day.