Alright…so last Friday night, Josh, Jaymie, Kat, Matt, Sarah, Adalie, and I went to go eat at Red Robin at Provo Towne Center cause I was craving their Mushroom burger! The wait was an hour long though, but we decided to wait and went outside on this bench by the escalators. So I was snapping some shots of everyone and was taking this one of Kat…when this college age preppy guy (the guy in the white shirt behind Kat) made this STUPID face and stuck finger with his left hand.
Thinking that he was clearly in the picture, he and some “big boned” girl (sorry disapproval by association) and another couple laughed out loud a lot as they walked by because of this kids ignorant gesture. Most things don’t bother me, but when you stick finger at me for no reason-I’m goina give you a piece of my mind! I looked straight at him and said “Don’t worry, your ugly face wasn’t in the picture!” and proceeded to put the camera away. A couple seconds later as they were riding up the escalator directly behind us, he mutters “Your mom’s ugly!” then stuck his middle finger slyly off the side handrail of the escalator. That was it for me-I dashed up the escalator and just as he was getting off, I got 2 inches from his face and this was the convo:
Me: “What’d you say? You got a problem with me? Say what you just said to my face!”
HomoKid not anticipating the confrontation: “Oh, uh, um, uh…”
Me: “Why you gotta act stupid, flick me off, and call my mom names! I dare you to say it again to my face!”
HomoKid poopin in his pants: “Um…I don’t even know your mom. Look, I don’t want any trouble. What are you trying to prove?”
Me: “Tough ah when your far away…don’t be talkin crap and doin stupid stuff if you can’t back it up!”
Homokid scared for his life doesn’t say anything…
I turned to walk away and under his stink breath he tells me to “f-u”
~SERIOUSLY…this kid got is stupider than i thought possible…
Me: “What’d you say?” and I pushed him and got right up to his face again
Homokid’s big boned girlfriend: “Just let us go, he was just playing around, you want me to call the cops?”
Me: “Call the cops…this kid got a serious problem- Playing around? Don’t EVER let me catch you doing something stupid again, I should break your face and your finger right now!”
Sarah sprinting up the escalator: “JASON CHUNG YAN TYAU, GET OVER HERE NOW!!!”
Me to homokid: “Your lucky…real lucky.” and I left
I could not believe the ignorance that this kid had to do something SO stupid! Sarah was pretty upset and disappointed at how I reacted to the situation. I felt justified in my actions because of the gestures he did and I’m not going to let some retard do something disrespectful and stupid and just get away with it-someone gotta teach him a lesson right? But at the same time she said something that really hit me and caused me to reflect: “Your a dad now, do you want Adalie to see you act like that when she’s older?”
WOW…way to make me feel guilty eh? They have a saying in the church in Chinese that translates to: “No success can compensate for failure in the home” I know that I can’t justify my actions, neither can I say that two wrongs make a right. Cause in the end what would beating up that Haole kid prove anyway? I would be crushed if Adalie was old enough to comprehend how I had reacted and that to me would have been a failure. I am so thankful for a wife that loves me so much that she ran after me and told me to “turn the other cheek” …but part of me still feels justified π
Sleeping Update: I am WEAK SAUCE no more!!!
So the other week we went to meet up with all my Goo cousins and talking with Charlene and Megan, they both gave suggestions about how to help Adalie sleep. Charlene gave us a book that Sarah read and she tried to do a couple things that they recommended:
1. Always put your baby down to sleep right before they get tired and fussy
2. Put your baby to sleep as early as possible (like 6:30pm-ish)
We tried these two suggestions and in a weeks time, she’s slept about 6 days like a little angel and even slept from 10pm-6am last nite! Wow-Sarah’s been so dilligent and I am just amazed at how much less grumpy we are and how much happier she is! CheeHee…
Sometimes I just stare at her while she sleeps cause I miss her sooo much and she’s just so cute!
She ALWAYS sleeps with both hands up!
Good nites sleep = One very cute, very happy baby!
haha. That was hilarious! Good for Sarah to keep you grounded and not ending up staying in jail overnight, eh? π
Adelie is getting so big! She’s so adorable that I just want to pinch those chubby cheeks!
Yeah!! I’m so glad the book helped! And, she’s sleeping better!! Live and learn! But remember, their sleeping habits will constantly change!
Ket and I had a good chuckle over this one. I wish I had been at the mall to see that! But your wife is right, you are a Dad now…but remember there are some things that are worth the fighting for. You just have save it for those times. (very few of them)
Jay, this post was sooo funny. if we were in that position I think Jordan would have done the same….and I would have done the same thing Sarah did!!
So funny…you are a great blog writer. I would have done exactly what you did, and Troy would’ve probably done what Sarah did π
hi guys. i had to laugh reading this. i hate dumb people. i think i would have let dane go and covered the kid’s eyes and ears. sounds like he needed to be taught a lesson!
i’m glad your little girl is sleeping through the night. it makes a huge difference! sounds like you guys are living the good life!
I can totally see you doing that (and I laughed out loud as I read it)! I love that your wife was able to help you see that you have graduated to daddyhood!
You should’ve licked that dumb Haole. Oh wait…I take that back…you should’ve pwned him and then give him a teabag for acting so dumb…LOL. Anger management? More like “LaieSOLJAH” management. Take it easy CAMPER.
i know this post wuz from a long time ago, but this is wat happens wen u link posts to each other. hehehe.
justified, bro. u know as well as da rest of us dat guy wuz a deek. sarah's right in a way, but at the same time, if ur bebes saw u they might also think – right on, my dad knows how to stand up for himself and his family. he dont take no crap from nobadeh.
my two cents. mahalo mucho.