What do you get when your hot wife takes ur two lil princesses on an international one month trip to Korea for a last minute wedding? U get a lonely grown man who cries his eyes out more than his hungry 2 month old newborn just lookin to latch on to a boob.
Sad…sad…sad day.
Kea says
I have no clue how you’re gonna last! I cracked on day 4 of 10 cause I’m tough like that…you’re cracking on day 1 of 30…oh boy. And that’s without babies too.
Flora says
Awww, sorry to hear that all your girls have left you. Wow… it’s gotta be tough to be traveling with 2 little ones. Hang in there Jay! You have… well… WOW you don’t even have a dog to cuddle with, huh? ha 😛 That is going to be pretty sad and lonely. Wish you luck for a month though. Call Ken if you want to cry. He’ll listen to you cry over the phone. 😀
George, Jenny, and Carlitos says
Sad… Try to avoid your house if you can. You can always hand out with us-George dislocated his elbow, so he’s gonna be home for the next 2 weeks.
harmony says
itz ok, jayse. we all knew u were a panty anyway. hehehehe.