3 Looks with 3 Layers
Pants & Puffer Vest : Gap Factory
I’ve been feeling blah today. I had a migraine, I was burnt out from motherhood, I cut my finger while cooking lunch, so I thought to myself, “Ugh, today is going to be a crappy day.” Then the kids seemed to be more whiny, I noticed more bad drivers on the road than normal, things didn’t seem to go right. Then I had a thought come to my mind, ‘Each word you think or speak has a consequence. Words itself have energy and power and if I speak or think negatively, it changes my energy to more negative which will attract more negativity to my surroundings.’ So I quickly said out loud, “You know what? Today is going to be a good day. I am going to choose to be happy.” Then immediately, my mood shifted! Happiness really is a choice!
It’s not the circumstance that determine our happiness but our choice to be happy. One of the 5 things people regretted on their deathbed was that they realized happiness is a choice. It’s not, “When I get a nicer house, nicer job, nicer body, when this happens, when I get there… I’ll be happy.” You can choose to be happy along the journey, not just at the final destination. If you want to be happy, BE.
After I changed my attitude and spoke positive words, things seemed to go right again. Jay came home and watched the kids while I was able to finish what was on my to-do list. The kids played with each other so sweetly and tenderly. Then right before bedtime, my 3 year old son said to Jay, “Daddy, you are the best daddy in the whole world! Mommy, I love my family. I have the best family in the whole world!!!” And literally just now as I am typing, my son just said to me, “Mommy, did you know that Heavenly Father said I am going to give you the best mama in the whole world?” Oh, my heart.
So while the day didn’t start right, it sure finished just right. I believe if we really knew the literal power and the effect thoughts and words have, we would be very careful to not think or utter a negative word ever again.
I think I get more moody and melancholy at the start of Fall season. I feel lazy, wanting to do nothing productive but just cuddle up in a blanket with a good book. And watch movies and nap. Even though I don’t get to do any of that, that’s what I wish I could be doing! Does anyone else feel like this in the Fall season, or is it just me?
I have partnered with Gap Factory to style their puffer vest and pants to get ready for the Fall/Winter season and since I have never owned a puffer vest before, I wasn’t sure if I would like it, but I like it a lot! It is super lightweight but very warm and cozy, I had no idea! I need to get me more of these! It feels like I am wearing a cozy blanket. But not like a puffer coat where you get hot, this is just right, like April 25th(name that movie!). And I got the pants in size 0 and I was prepared to sew it if it didn’t fit, but to my surprise again, it fit perfectly. I’ve owned size 0 Gap Factory pants before and they were just a tad too loose so either they changed sizing or I got bigger haha. The vest is such a versatile piece and I plan on wearing both the vest and the pants a lot during the cooler season.
Get the pants here, vest over there, both only $20!
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