Due to the mass amount of peeps contacting me, wondering y I been MIA posting blogs, without further adieu, I am back by popular demand. Being one year older and wiser too, I can’t start without showing much love for my beautiful wife Sarah, my lil ham boo boo, my pops, my bro’s Mikey, Josh, and Matt, my cousins Granny and Jimmy and BFF’s Brennen and Jared for the L O N G hours of work that they all put in to help us on our place. We didnt do the best at taking before and after pics, but I’ll one up that and show before and after vids. I’ll post this teaser vid of the reasons we bought this fixer upper. Pardon my mumblings as I just saw immediate potential. B4 vid from jayT on Vimeo. You can’t really beat $71 a sq ft, esp with the market these days, this really was the year to buy. A buyers market coupled with low interest rates and on top of that you got the Housing Stimulus and with our place, you can’t beat the location, location, location! Granted our house was stuck in 1970’s with the nastiest green kitchen appliances, countertop, green shag carpet and old lady smell, when I bought this place to name a few. I bought it for the potential of what I saw in it and what it could become, not what it currently was (this also applies in life as we should always look for the potential in others and not judge them for what they currently are hahaha man I’m becoming my wife!). I was blessed to have my bro Josh as my engineer and he drafted up my plans from my ideas and made sure that everything was on point. I’m also blessed to have Tim the Toolman Taylor mixed with Bob Villa for a dad who pretty much echo’s “the field of dreams” moto “if you build it, I will come” He gets the building itch every couple of years and just couldn’t resist when I told him I wanted to renovate. For two weeks of work, you will be absolutely AMAZED and think your watching a show on HGTV just because how different everything looks. My neighborhood thought we were CRAZY to try to do so much in so little time all on our own, but now everyones trying to get a sneak peak of our humble abode. I won’t spoil the fun just yet, but between scraping popcorn ceilings, gutting the ENTIRE 2nd floor and kitchen, the 15-16 hour work days, and all the craziness that goes into making an old house new…trust me-the bags under my eyes and the aches in my ever aging body were ALLLLL worth it when I took my wife over for a sneak peak yesterday of her “90% completed newly renovated house” and saw her get suPER duPER excited!
old lady smell that’s mean haha and yes I AM SOOOOOOOOOO stoked, excited, ecstatic!!! You are the man babe. Thank you for working so hard for me and adi. ur the best dad and a husband and we love you!!!
So I’m thinking about starting a blog.. You guys make it look so cool.
I am excited to see what you have done, but I want a live tour, none of this blog stuff.
AHHHH, I LOVE YOUR BLOG:) Sarah, your family is beautiful! Yeah*! I am so excited to be blogging buds* LOVE YOU
Congrats on your new place…. looks like you guys are gonna have a sweet place pretty soon!
Nice view of the house.
Yet with all that work…you still have time for Halo. : P Way to set priorities.