“My most brilliant achievement was my ability to be able to persuade my wife to marry me.”
-Winston Churchill
-Winston Churchill
As young as I am, I KNOW that nothing I do in life will affect me as much as Sarah has. Some call it fate, some call it destiny, some say it’s just pure luck. Some people even believe that there is only one person in the whole wide world that you could possibly marry and be happy with. And despite life’s paths and choices- as twisted, rough, bumpy, and painful as they are, you both will inevitably get thrust together at some point in time. Sarah and I have a peculiar and long history together and call it whatever you want…but when it comes down to it, we both can’t deny that we feel we are meant for eachother in every possible way. I just helped her celebrate her 24th birthday and with my sister Kat’s wedding, Christmas, New Years, Crazy slave Work, and her brother Michael’s Wedding, I barely found time to get her a much needed jewlery armoire to hold her plethora of jewlery. I was all happy I found it for such a good deal (I love Target) and also happy that she’d organize all her jewlery and won’t have to ask me everytime we’re walking out the door if I saw this set of earrings or that bracelet, since it should all be in one place now! But when I gave it to her, she was sad that I didn’t get her a birthday card. 🙁 Crap…I lose again! So in honor of her 24 years of life, in no particular order are 24 things why marrying my wife Sarah, is my greatest achievement~CHEERS:
- She is my Best Friend(BFF), my true loves kiss- she makes me laugh, she’s made me cry and everything in between!
- She’s the beautiful mother of my beautiful daughter…and a great one at that!
- She’s Korean, hence she cooks AMAZING Korean food for yours truly (hence the increased BMI) such as my personal fav’s: Kalbi, Bulgogi, Bi Bam Bap, Sam Gyup sal.
- She loves the gospel and inspires me to be a better person just by waking up in the morning.
- She’d live in Hawaii (She already tries to speak pidgeon…hahaha whoop whoop) We’re still working on getting her to say “slippers” instead of flip-flops though. tsk tsk
- She went on a mission to San B in Cali
- She helps me clean up and take care of the house…fo’ real! “I tamed her” -as spoken out of the mouth of Soo-Young Choi
- She lets me think that I’m the neck and not just the head.
- She lets me just stare at her beautiful self in complete and jawdropping awe!
- She shares and consoles in me about everything that’s on her mind.
- She goes and watches chick flicks with me, then usually sheds a tear or two and tries to hide it! hahaha (she cried in “Enchanted” and even “Christmas with the Kranks”? what the?)
- She went from social butterfly to stay-at-home mom…nothing short of a major sacrifice.
- She’s a GREAT listener and ALWAYS gives amazing advice to not only me but many of her friends.
- She constantly helps me to overcome all my bad habits and never gives up on me.
- She always gets me lunch and/or dinner ready to take to work so that I won’t go hunger.
- She lets me watch all my sports and if I’m playing, she comes and is my #1 fan!
- She has the most amazing voice and I get mesmorized when I hear her sing…especially when she sings “Lullaby River” and “My heart will go on”
- She dries pretty much EVERY single flower I’ve ever given her (and its a lot)
- She takes care of Adi at nite and sacrifices her sleep so that I can get some decent sleep since she doesnt want me to be tired when I slavelabor each day.
- She reads her scriptures and prays everyday-it’s the little things that are hardest! Trust me…I know.
- She has the two funniest stories about potty training her cat and her first day of school in the US of A that make me crack up EVERYTIME I hear them!
- She doesn’t judge me on my past but loves me for who I am
- She loves to cuddle!!! Boop…
- She truly is my better half! She married me and I heart my Sarah! Boop…
ohhh, that makes my heart melt. What a lucky wifey!Thanks for the post!
I AM indeed a lucky wife! Thanks for the sweet post babe, this definitely makes up for the birthday card! I luv you.
ohhhh, that’s so sweet! You guys are too cute!
you’re such a mush muffin! next post…the story of sarah’s first day of USA school.
You are so cheesey Jay! haha. Nate will never be caught dead broadcasting his heart to the world.
These are all very sweet things and yes, I really do think you’re one lucky man.
okay XIAO KE AI…a blog is all most like a white board in the kitchen u know! 😉 tell Nate to take notes! hahahaha
You can see my favorite vein by your right elbow…oh I miss it.