So I set this up a couple days ago, and I guess I’ll be the first to start posting stuff, even though I have no clue what I’m doing or what’s going on. I like to write and people usually like to read what I write, so we’ll give it a go…even though who will really read this you know? I’m at work right now at Nu Skin where I’m a Commissions Account Analyst (that sounds important, and FYI…I’m a big deal) over all of Korea (I think it’s because my wife’s Korean and I’m proud of it!) and Indonesia. Sarah’s been a TROOPER taking care of baby and I couldn’t ask for a more loving wife and mom to be home with my Adalie. The anxiety of her being a stay at home mom and me being the breadwinner wasn’t exactly what I envisioned happening so soon, but I guess you take things in stride and you count your many blessings. Sarah’s recovering amazing from giving labor and it almost seems like she never gave birth since she’s so petite and tiny compared to my Oreo loving, hate running, fatboy self. The finnancial fears I think loomed high over our heads, but holding to the rod and paying our tithing and being hard-core budgeteers has really casted those fears aside. I think both of us have never been so finnancial worry free which is a weird feeling but a feeling that I think is priceless (no pun intended).
Adalie is a couple days over a month old and wow has time flied. Its crazy to think that she was born almost a month ago and even more crazy to think how we’re still functioning on so little sleep. It’s funny cause we almost take shifts with her. I wake up in the morning if she’s up and take care of her while sarah sleeps in a sec if i don’t have to go to work till later. Sarah takes care of baby while I’m at work crunchin numbers for peeps and then when I get home I take care of her until bed time and then Sarah troops it out and gets up with baby whenever she’s up at nite! I really have no clue how she does it, but “amazed” doesn’t even put the cherry on top when I say “WOW” she really is super mom and I just stare at her in amazment because she’s so loving and so great. I have no clue how she finds all the energy to go about the mundane day to day task of taking care of a small infant, needless to say as stubborn as I am, I really don’t think I’d be able to do what she does!
Adalie’s being more alert everyday and being a dad is the most amazing feeling in the world. I was hardcore against sleeping with my child, but I think I’m a bigger softie than Sarah cause every little whimper breaks my heart and I HAVE to pick her up. It’s sad that in barely a months time, she got daddy wrapped around her lil finger that Sarah laughs is a mini jay finger, long, slender, toned-almost like a hand model! She does poop alot and sometimes, she has so much projection that no matter how tight the diaper, it shoots out the leg sides and up her back. Kay that only happenend twice, but man-that was twice to many! She’s adorable though and its funny because my mom was telling me how when my dad was bishop over the married student ward, they went to go visit a couple that just had a baby and when they got there, the couple was just sitting there in silence with the baby in the middle and they were just staring at her…man why do new parents do that??? hahahaha
Well I don’t wanna drag this on too long for a first post on a “blog” I hope granny doesnt find out about this or he’s goina tease me almost as much as he teased cheryl for making a blog. But i figure with Sarah and my family in Korea, California and Utah and my family in Hawaii, it’s nice to keep record of our happenings.
congrats on entering the blogging world. i think you’ll like it once you find all your friends on here. a couple suggestions– 1)bloggers love pictures–i wanna see more of your little girl! 2)spell check is your friend. (i’m an editing minor, sorry).
p.s. i’m morgan’s wife, used to work at nuskin. he doesn’t work there anymore either now. hooray! our blog is in case you need a picture to jog your memory π
yes granny teased me, but you were worse! in any case, i’m glad you’re blogging. you’ve got great writing skills and you have funny/ interesting things to say – who would’ve known? π keep it up!
Jay & Sarah – we LOVE the picture of the three hands. It is so precious.
Rach went to NuSkin for training this morning. May I send your blog invite to her as well as cousins Rebecca and Kara? Auntie & Uncle.
it took me a whole 3 hours and 30 min to go thru all your posts… i don't even remember how I found your blog anymore, but I did and i'm glad.. you guys have a beautiful family!!! hopefully I don't sound like a total creeper, but i just loved all the variety (fashion, family, marriage). As a newlywed (when do you stop calling yourself newlywed? huh) it's great to read and learn from not only the joyful moments but also the hardship…So thank you! Needless to say I'm now a follower π